2 Solar Panel Benefits: My First Solar Power Encounter

Trip to the Countryside

Recently, I was invited by one of my high school mates to visit his farm in the countryside. It was a 2-hour trip away from urbanity. Driving away from dense concrete structures to sparse wooden houses within the plains. I was beginning to think about how in the world he was able to survive in this place knowing that we’re both accustomed to the city life.

He then toured me around his farm. It was six acres of wheat fields with numerous chickens and goats roaming around freely. I then asked him honestly, How in the world were you able to survive in this place? Where do you get your water? How about your electricity? He walked me through me then to his own 20 square yards of solar panels.

Living Off-grid

There’s a lot of solar panels. Several sheets of glass bathing underneath the sun. He then answered to me that there’s no need to worry about power. His electricity is for free. It turns out that he made a lot of research on how well solar energy performs especially in the country. He invested some money to acquire solar panels for sale on the internet and have them installed by himself.

No bills, no power interruptions, and unlimited use of power. Those were some of the things he told me when he explained why he opted for solar energy. He also said that it feels like he is an environmentalist. He was able to minimise his dependency on carbon-based energy which is the main source of energy in most countries.

I then realised. If this technology is effective in the countryside, why not in the city where we will benefit more as the energy cost is higher as compared to the rural parts of the country. I started doing my own research on solar panels Sydney and these are the facts I’ve found.

Environment and money

Benefits of solar energy

After the trip back home, I went to my desk to look into my experience. With all the things that my friend told me about solar energy, I can only sum it up in these two words. It’s good for the environment and also for your money.

1. Environment

Harnessing only the light of the sun, solar power reduces the reliance on carbon-based energy sources like coal, oil, nuclear, and natural gas. These types of sources emit by-products and wastes that are harmful to both living beings and the environment. I also learned that they contribute to climate change which is one of the big issues right now aside from the pandemic.

2. Money

Yes, Sydney solar panels are indeed expensive, but it is a great investment in the long run. You don’t to be surprised at your mailbox looking at your huge electric bills. The power supply is almost free and unlimited. Just make you have batteries to store the energy. It will save you a lot of money.

As of this moment, I am still doing some further research on my phone But with the looks of it, there is a great chance that I will start installing solar panels at my home.

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